GeoTest Services, Inc., Bellingham, Washington. 171 likes · 11 talking about this · 12 were here. GeoTest Services, Inc. is a consuling Engineering firm.
Geotest Catalog Request Catalog . Calendar. Contact Geotest. If you need help using this page, click here for assistance. Category Information: Find out more information about the categories below. Click on any category to get a description as well as learn about the items associated with the category. *featured
GeoTest provides a full range of engineering and testing services for a wide variety of projects. We can test any geologically based construction material, plus many other products. A list of available services is presented below. Geotechnical Engineering Construction Materials Engineering and Testing (CMET) Laboratory Services Pavement Smoothness Profiling Vibration Monitoring (Seismograph ...
Geotest was founded in July 1979 by Dr. V.N. Vijayvergiya to provide personal attention and high quality service in geotechnical engineering and materials testing to private sector clients and government agencies.
About GeoTest Your partner from the ground up! GeoTest was founded in 1993, aimed at developing partnerships with our clients to provide a full range of construction services from the ground up!
Our Locations. GeoTest's corporate office is located in the Lehigh Cement Plant overlooking Bellingham Bay. GeoTest provides Construction Special Inspection and Materials Testing Services throughout Northwest Washington.
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Mr. Lin is Sr. Vice President of Geotest. He also serves as Chief Engineer and Project Director with over thirty years of experience in Civil/Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Quality control/Quality assurance inspection and testing services, and Construction Management.
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