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California is the 3rd largest state in the United States in area, after Alaska and Texas. California is often geographically bisected into two regions, Southern California, comprising the 10 southernmost counties, and Northern California, comprising the 48 northernmost counties.
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The vast majority of cases in the California courts begin in one of the 58 superior, or trial, courts - located in each of the state's 58 counties.
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California is home to many newcomers from all over the world. In an effort to integrate immigrants, California has developed innovative services that help immigrants become part of the social, economic and civic fabric of our state.
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Franklin Peale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. He was tolerated in his desire for a mechanical career by his father, who ..... copies from private and official dies for sale to anyone who was interested. .... in gold deposits due to the California Gold Rush, Peale suggested that the Mint hire ...
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