Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the thyroid is activated by antibodies to the thyrotropin receptor. The hyperthyroidism that develops is one of many somatic and psychiatric ...
is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in …
4) при 0 ≤ n1 ≤ 10 (n1 = t/∆t1) скорость упругого перемещения u 2 изменяется линейно от 0 до P1 = σ0/(ρ2Cp2), а при n1 ≥ 10 u 2 = P1 .
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* Year 2018 figures have not been audited. ** Starting 2013, TSMC prepares financial statements in accordance with TIFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards as endorsed in R.O.C.), TSMC will report only consolidated financial figures from January 2013.
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After payment of 10% of purse in nominator awards, purse to be divided 50% to the winner, 22% to second, 11% to third, 7% to fourth, 5% to fifth and 1% to sixth through 10th. Weight:120 lbs ...
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The material embedded in the base, also known as the aggregate, usually brings the color to the mix, so while terrazzo is often neutral in tone, it can also be very lively, such as in this red-flecked countertop.
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Он переговорил обо всем с Нэдди и со своей сестрой, Мэри. Они решили, что после смерти отца она осталась слишком одинокой.
Life’s too short to settle for a stale diet. It's fine to rely on a few key heart-healthy foods for your cholesterol-friendly diet, but you want to avoid burnout.. If you can recite your daily ...
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Она использует метод исторической реконструкции, чтобы доказать, что общество будущего — не изобретение анархистов, а продукт незаметных глазу побочных эффектов от событий прошлого.
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The proposed Utah Medical Marijuana Initiative is a matter of great controversy in this state. The negative effects and consequences of marijuana use on individuals, families, and society at large are well-known.