Teagle's Box Tomahawk 8100 is the most popular feeder/bedder and the first choice for reliability.
Roger upgraded a 4 year old Tomahawk 8080 to a Tomahawk 1010, provided by Turneys, in January 2012. Turneys Farm Manager Giles Benson says that it was ‘a natural progression from the Tomahawk 8080 to the larger capacity Tomahawk 1010’.
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Provide comfort for your cows with Teagle's Drum Tomahawk 404 and 505 Straw Shredders. Cookies on Teagle. ... Tomahawk 404-505-505XL Straw Shredders enquiry form. Please enter the details of your enquiry below and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
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Roger upgraded a 4 year old Tomahawk 8080 to a Tomahawk 1010, provided by Turneys, in January 2012. Turneys Farm Manager Giles Benson says that it was ‘a natural progression from the Tomahawk 8080 to the larger capacity Tomahawk 1010’.
Contents we’re right behind you Teagle machinery was established over 70 years ago, manufacturing the first Tomahawk bale shredder in 1983. We remain a family business focussed on