БСЭ 3 изд. том 4 - bse.uaio.ru

Бреда (Breda) город в Нидерландах, в провинции Северный Брабант, на р. Марк при впадении её в р. Ааре. 120 тыс. жителей (1968).

БСЭ. Большая Советская Энциклопедия (БР) (Весь текст ...

Брабансоны. Брабансо'ны(от названия исторической области Брабант , франц. brabanзon - брабантский), порода крупных тяжеловозных лошадей Бельгии, известных под общим названием «бельгийская шаговая лошадь».

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MURPHY, BREDA / Meet the Teacher

English Teacher. I joined Oswego East High School in 2012. I teach English, Journalism, College Communication (at OE and Oswego High School). I’m the secretary of the Midwest Media Educators Association and a member of the Journalism Education Association.

Breda 38 - Wikipedia

The Mitragliatrice Breda calibro 8 modello 38 per carri armati was an Italian tank-pattern machine gun used in World War II. It was able to fit on the available tanks: the Fiat L6/40, the Fiat M11/39, and the Fiat M13/40. It was also adapted as infantry machine gun.

Том 4 - bse.uaio.ru

БРАТИНА, русский шаровидный сосуд для напитков (мёда, пива и др. ), употреблявшийся на братчинных пирах (крестины, именины), на поминках.

Breda Ba.88 (P.XI) - WarThunder-Wiki

The Breda Ba.88 was a Italian heavy fighter bomber that was made for the Regia Aeronautica's 1936 requirement for a twin engine heavy fighter capable of 329mph, 2000km range, and capable of carrying 20mm cannons.

Breda M37 - Wikipedia

The Mitragliatrice Breda calibro 8 modello 37 (commonly known as the Breda mod. 37 or simply Breda 37) was an Italian heavy machine gun produced by Breda and adopted in 1937 by the Royal Italian Army. It was the standard machine gun for the Royal Italian Army during World War II, ...

mp-72: Ti (hexagonal, P6/mmm, 191) - Materials Project

Browse many computed properties for this hexagonal Ti compound, including formation energy from the elements, energy of decomposition into the set of most stable materials at this chemical composition, bulk crystalline density, and band gap. Also known as: Titanium, High pressure experimental phase, Titanium - HP, omega. Cite this material using DOI 10.17188/1287108.

Breda 30 - Wikipedia

The Breda 30 along with the Carcano rifle made up the backbone of the Italian infantry armament during the Second World War. Field reports on the weapon were of mixed nature: the Breda's very low rate of fire often resulted in a turning of the tide during a firefight against Italian soldiers; however, the Breda 30, in most occasions, was the ...

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