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Twister VS350 is a semi-mobile, heavy-duty VSI crusher for use in tertiary and quaternary crushing applications. It is designed to produce “in spec”, high-quality cubically shaped aggregates and turn waste and flaky materials into quality cubically shaped aggregate as well as consistently graded crusher sand for use as bituminous sand, mortar sand, plaster sand or high quality concrete sand.
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Twister VSI crushers use two variations of VSI crushing. The first is vertical shaft impact crushing where rock is fed onto a table type rotor which accelerates and then discharges the rock at high speed against steel anvils in the crushing chamber.
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Mobile VSI Crushers-Mobile VSI Crushers,mobile crushers, Mobile VSI Crusher is a latest rock crushing equipment, mainly used in the fields of metallurgy, chemistry, construction materials, hydroelectric power and so on to process materials that have to be moved, especially materials with .
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